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Into Glory - Part Two

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2022 S1 E14 Into Glory Part Two Tim Atchley

Good Morning, I pray that you will be blessed in Christ and experience victory today and every day. You are not ordinary because you have been born from above. You are His child and that means you are more than an overcomer through Jesus!

Jesus came for a purpose, and that purpose involves the restoration of the glory of God to mankind. Being clothed with His presence within and without so that we have access to God. This is what it means to be the very righteousness of God. It is to be seen as made clean and acceptable to Him so that fellowship is no longer hindered by the sin of unbelief. It is why Scripture testifies in,

Hebrews 2:10 For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. 11 For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren, 12 saying: “I will declare Your name to My brethren; In the midst of the assembly I will sing praise to You.” 13 And again: “I will put My trust in Him.” And again: “Here am I and the children whom God has given Me.”

God’s desire produced a goal to provide a way once for all to restore us back to Him in unfettered fellowship. But in our flesh there dwells no good thing by which to draw on to make ourselves righteous before Him. Thus we see Jesus humbling Himself to become a man and be numbered among His brethren. This is why all of heaven rejoices when one sinner repents and turns to Jesus. It is the fulfillment of the highest desire of heaven because the Maker of heaven and earth determined according to His own will that He would have many sons who experience His glory and share in His fellowship. Jesus came to bring many sons into glory! This is a privilege of relationship made possible only through faith in Jesus Christ and trusting in His completed work to make us new creations who can house the presence of God. This is the new wineskin Jesus spoke of. This is the place on earth where heaven invades the natural realm through sons. It is the groaning of creation that the sons of God be manifested.

There is a day coming when we all will receive glorified bodies at Jesus’ return. It is the final part of our redemption and we become so clothed with glory we literally dwell in glorified bodies like that of Jesus when He raised from the dead. This is intended to sow within us a great hope for His return and an earnest expectation of the ever increasing glory of the New Covenant coming to fruition full and complete.

But can we yearn for such a thing if, in our here and now, we can do with or without the manifest presence of God revealed in the person of the Holy Spirit?

This is why we do not come each Lord’s Day to fulfill a duty, or satisfy a need for routine. We come as glorified sons to seek Him together and experience a greater manifestation of His glory as the Holy Spirit has His way in each of us, and we yield to His leading. This puts an even greater value on our gathering together, as we need the encouragement of His presence in this way as we see the day of His return drawing closer.

How many here would like to take a cold shower or bath every day? Why is it you want a warm or hot one?

You’ve tasted and experienced the comfort and pleasure of it. Why would you go back to something unpleasant if you can have something better? The New Covenant is superior to anything the old had to offer. Oh taste and see that the Lord is good! You’ve come to holy Mt Zion and an innumerable company of angels! A blood that speaks better things! You are now offered the privilege of His presence because you have been brought into His glory by Jesus! The treasure of this amazing privilege is yours to enjoy by faith. God wants us to desire His glory and fellowship to the point of valuing it more than anything this earth has to offer.

Always remember that you are loved with an everlasting love by a faithful God who cannot lie and you have everything you need in Christ. Go and enjoy the adventure that is yours when you live submitted to the Holy Spirit each day!