Good News That Actually Is

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If You Have

Whenever we gather on the Lord’s Day at Harvest Church Knoxville, my wife Sheila welcomes everyone and always encourages them by saying, “If you have a word from God, you have all that you need.”

That statement contains a lot. The word (Logos) of God says that Faith comes by hearing, and hearing comes by the word (Rhema) of God.  Logos is that which is written, and Rhema is that which is alive in the moment and spoken to us.

The Logos word can be a step towards receiving a Rhema word from God. When we see it in the written word and meditate upon it, seeking God’s voice in the matter, our spirit hears that word, and faith comes alive in us, activating the kingdom on our behalf.

Jesus’ words echo with the transformative power of faith. ‘If you have faith the grain of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain be removed and cast into the sea, and it will obey you.’ This is not just a promise but a testament to the potential of our faith.

It’s not about ‘naming and claiming’ here. It’s about having unwavering faith in a matter because we have heard from God concerning it. This is the essence of our belief, the cornerstone of our faith.

Too often, believers know all too well what others say about a matter that concerns their lives.  They know the opinion of the “Experts,” whether it be about their sense of well-being.

For instance, someone might be keenly aware of what a popular “motivational speaker” says about having a positive attitude to gain momentum in pursuing a purpose in life.  They may be equally aware of what a politician promises to give them a sense that all will be okay in their day-to-day lives because of shifts in direction within a nation.  They may have amassed knowledge regarding their physical health from healthcare professionals or emotional health from listening to or reading information from psychologists.  It is amazing how easily people are able to run to these sources for insight to make their choices in these areas of life without even a single hint of shame or embarrassment for doing so. However, true enlightenment and empowerment come when we contrast this with seeking God’s word. That is when we truly discern and make sound choices, empowered by His Spirit.

Why is it that when a man or woman of God stands to encourage believers to go to God’s word regarding these matters so that they can hear from Him about it and stand in real faith regarding it, it is often seen as strange?

Do you know what God says about the things happening in your life right now? You need to because if you have a word from Him about it, you have all you need to become activated according to His kingdom.  Learning how to go into His word in specific areas of life day to day to get His wisdom and desires for you concerning it empowers you to walk according to faith regarding it.

It might not yet be seen in the natural, but it can be seen according to the spiritual as being done already.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for.

When we speak according to faith because we know God has spoken, it sets into motion things unseen in the natural realm, bringing about the fulfillment of what He has spoken to us in His timing in the natural realm.  Abraham believed God, and it was accredited to him as righteousness. If you have a word from God, you have all you need.

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