Good News That Actually Is

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Humility’s Trademark

I want to be able to put this as simply as I possibly can.

The highest form of humility does not disregard God, His Son Jesus, the Holy Spirit, or His written word.

The highest form of humility takes God at His word and relies on His integrity to uphold it despite the circumstances.

True humility, in its highest form, is not a mere virtue but a profound understanding and acceptance of our place in Christ and what He accomplished, and how that now applies by grace through faith to me.

False humility is that which says it gives glory to God but then announces all that it did to make God like them or move on their behalf.  It is that voice that says thank God for His amazing grace but then sets out to merit His continued favor based on works performed with the idea that God is now indebted to do them good as a result.

If I think I can do something to add to the righteousness I have already been made in Christ, a righteousness which is God’s righteousness and a gift, such thinking is arrogance on a whole other level.  It is akin to saying God’s righteousness is not quite enough and needs my help to become complete.  How does someone add to perfection and it not be an insult to the one who made it perfection to start with?

Scripture is talking about this when it speaks of someone falling from grace. They fell from grace when they went back to a system of works for righteousness, acceptance, and favor.

Galatians 5:4 You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace.

In other words, you step out of the spotlight of His favor and into the darkness of resistance. The way to be resisted by God is through the avenue of arrogant works and performance thinking.

As soon as I say I am all that or that I can do…….. and I fail to remember that it is through Christ that I can do all things and that it is because of Christ that I am a child of God, I am moving in arrogance, and pride is the thing that God resists.

Pride in my own abilities, achievements, and the idea that I have what it takes to be good and to do good on the level God requires will always be a turn-off to God.

It is Christ in me that is my hope of glory!  I am in Christ, and Christ is in me.  In that truth spoken in the word of God and made real to me by means of a new life in Him, I make my boast!

I want to take God at His word as it applies to me under the New Covenant Jesus established with His own blood. The real trademark of humility is submitting to God’s word and His way, which is now established through Jesus in the New Covenant, turning loose of anything that contradicts the completed work of Christ, and praising Him for His perfect obedience, which is now applied to my life by grace through faith in Him.

Humility’s trademark is trust in the finished work of Christ and relying on His word of promise.

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