Good News That Actually Is

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Highly Unordinary

Certain things can separate a person as being very different from others.  Outward manifestations that set a person apart from others based on an ability that seems to rise above the average status quo.

Often, these people are referred to as prodigies.  A six-year-old who can skillfully play Bach, Beethoven, or many other Classical Music Masters on an instrument.  We all look and, with awe, appreciate such a giftedness.

We’d like to say they got there by the discipline and practice they put in, and there is some truth to that, but having been alive only six years doesn’t allow for much time and effort in that area.  There’s just something not ordinary about a six-year-old being able to play at the level of someone who dedicated their life to practice and development to be at the same level of skill and ability as this child proves to be.

The first disciples only had three years with Jesus before He died on the cross, and yet they walked in such anointing and power that the religious leaders knew they had been with Jesus and were His followers.  It was not so much what they spoke as it was what they did that was the thing that gave them away and made them stand out.

There’s a scripture that speaks to this in Romans.

Romans 8:11 But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.

To be born again is to be raised from spiritual death to spiritual life.  It is to have had the same energy and power it took to raise Jesus from the dead work in you to make a new creation.  But something is interesting in this verse that makes it about more than just being made a new creation in Christ.

It says He will also give life to your mortal body.  Why be so specific?

What is being said here is that resurrection life came into us when we put our faith in Christ.  Jesus is not just the Son of God in human flesh now.  Jesus died and was raised again on the third day, just as He promised.  Jesus now exists in resurrection, life, and power.  It is the same power that was exhibited at the dawn of creation.  It is His mighty power at work.

That same power is operating in us who have believed in Him and been born again.  That power so permeates our lives that it touches our mortality.  It gives animation to our physical existence and makes us unordinary by gifting us with abilities not based on our earning them through disciplines.  They are a byproduct of the resurrection life and power we have been given in Christ.

Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

We can choose how we will live our lives after coming to know Jesus.  We can live in the ignorance of self-made efforts or in the power of His resurrection according to the Spirit who was at work raising Jesus from the dead.  One way trusts in self, and the other trusts in the Lord.  Which will you choose?  One is highly ordinary, while the other is highly unordinary.

One may garner the praise of men, but being highly unordinary garners demonstrates the favor of God.  I encourage you to live the unordinary life of being raised with Christ!

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