Good News That Actually Is

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Hidden Away

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Like most boys, I had a vivid imagination when I was a small boy.  I would watch monster movies with my older brothers and then go to bed and get scared in the dark.  I imagined that if I covered myself with my blanket pulled over my head, whatever was in my room couldn’t see me.  Being hidden beneath my trusty blanket gave me the peace I needed to go to sleep.  I would almost bet you could relate to that experience in your own childhood story.

Believe it or not, the Bible calls for us as God’s children to use our faith and imagination to realize we have been safely covered and hidden.  If we get hold of this revelation, it can help us in our times of anxiousness and fear.  It can also help us in our times of temptation.

Colossians 3:2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. 3 For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.

The reality of being hidden with Christ in God is everything!  What can see us in that place, and what could get past God to get to us?

Even better is the idea of what we can discover about God as our Father from being hidden with Christ in Him.  There’s much we can find about His love in that place.

I remember playing an old outdoor game with my brothers and our friends.  Hide and seek.  One person was it and counted to a set number while everyone else went and hid.  Then once the one who was it finished counting, the challenge began.  Unless you were well hidden, you would likely be quickly caught.  There was a real sense of security that came from being well hidden.  I recall that while I was hidden, my mind would often wander off in its imagination, and I would lose track of time.  I often had some of the most lovely thoughts in that place of hiding.

From our position of being hidden with Christ in God, we get to have lovely thoughts as we discover who He is, what He has done, whom He says we are, and what we are to be and do.

You know, without the security of my trusty blanket as a kid, I would have had many a restless nights, and it would have taken a toll on me physically and mentally.  My grades in school would have suffered, my energy levels would have gone down, and my excitement to do anything would have diminished.

When it comes to spirit and soul, true rest belongs to those who have the revelation of what it means to be in Christ.   Our heavenly identity is inalterably tied to our position in Christ.

Today we are victorious not because circumstances will end the way we want but because, despite circumstances and fearful challenges, our life is hidden with Christ in God!

Our security is in Jesus, and we are citizens of His kingdom, which is righteousness, joy, and peace in the Holy Spirit—having a tough time?  Try to remember that you are under a powerful covering today.  I encourage you to train yourself to enjoy being hidden with Christ in God.  In that place, your imagination will be captivated by Him!  It is a joyful and glorious place to be.