Heaven’s Treasure

When we think of what Heaven’s treasure is, some’s thoughts might run towards streets of gold, a crystal lake, a throne of jasper, etc.  But those things are not the treasure of heaven.

Heaven views treasure very differently from how this world perceives treasure. The real treasure of heaven is the presence of God.

God’s presence is the greatest treasure there is.  Heaven knows this, God knows this, and the church is supposed to know it too.

The activity of the Holy Spirit represents God’s presence in the church.  Under Moses, a temple tent was constructed, and a special place called the Holy of Holies was in that tent.  In the Holy of Holies, there was an ark of the covenant.  On top of that ark was a mercy seat, and during the time of sacrifice, blood was to be sprinkled on that mercy seat.  God promised it was where He would meet with them.  So the ark represented the presence of God (so to speak.)

During the captivity, the ark disappeared, and it was speculated through the ages that Jeremiah may have taken and hidden it away since he foretold the coming captivity.  Whether or not that is true, no one knows.  All that can be known is that the ark is gone.  Today people are looking for the ark, thinking that if they find it could be restored to the temple once a new temple is built.

For an authentic New Covenant believer finding the ark isn’t a thing.  We already know where the ark is because the Bible tells us.

Revelation 11:19  Then the temple of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of His covenant was seen in His temple. And there were lightnings, noises, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail.

But it is more than just this passage that comforts a New Covenant believer about matters of the ark of the covenant.

You see, when it comes to the treasure of God’s presence, we know that it is now in earthen vessels here on this earth.

2Corinthians 4:7   But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.

When Jesus makes New Creations, it is so that they can house His presence.  Jesus was excited about returning to heaven so that the Holy Spirit would come because Jesus knows that the treasure of heaven is the presence of God.

Jesus gave Himself so that we, as believers, could be made into a habitation for the Holy Spirit.  We do not need an ark of the covenant.  The church has become the ark (so to speak).  We are the carriers of the presence of God!  This is New Covenant teaching, but sadly, many claims to be New Covenant have so much mixture of the Old Covenant still at work in them that they think the ark of the covenant needs to be found for God to do what He wants to do.  They believe God will relate with Israel under an Old Covenant construct in these last days.  They believe a temple will be rebuilt and sacrifices reinstituted in Israel, so they are in a frantic search for the ark of the covenant.

If you genuinely believe in Jesus, you are created to be a presence bearer!  May I encourage you to be available to the Holy Spirit with no hesitation so that the treasure of heaven can be manifested here on earth?

Being filled with His presence is the most incredible privilege you will ever know.  Don’t let anyone take that away from you by offering you distracting, time-wasting notions having nothing to do with the truth of the New Covenant work of Christ.  Stand firm in your faith in Him and enjoy being filled with the Holy Spirit by faith alone.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.



