Healing for Today and Always


Healing for Today and Always

If I said that at the cross Jesus took your sin away completely, would you take issue with me?

If I said that at the cross Jesus became sin so that you might become the righteousness of God, would you take issue with me?

I think it is safe to say that we agree that at the cross sin was done away with and we were made righteous.

After all that is what the Scriptures testify happened, is it not?

2Corinthians 5:21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Now let me ask you a really important question.

If Scripture testified of other things being taken care of at the cross would you be willing to agree with it and believe it?

Matthew 8:14 Now when Jesus had come into Peter’s house, He saw his wife’s mother lying sick with a fever. 15 So He touched her hand, and the fever left her. And she arose and served them. 16 When evening had come, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed. And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick, 17 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying: “He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.”

In this recorded historical event how many sick people did Jesus heal?

What does it reveal about why did Jesus did that?

Now in many circles it is taught that the infirmities Jesus took was the sin. They teach that the healing promised is talking about our deliverance from sin. In fact, this is very prominent in denominational circles.

But this prophetic promise Isaiah made is not attached to sin, it is attached in this instance in Matthew’s gospel to people who were either demon possessed or sick in their bodies.

Since the Holy Spirit moved Matthew to testify that the prophesy is directly tied to healing sickness and freeing people from demonic possession, this amazing promise regarding Jesus is very beneficial to us today.

We have already established clearly that Jesus took our sin at the cross, but here we are finding that Isaiah prophesied something remarkable that is also included in what Jesus did for us. Sin wasn’t the only thing Jesus bore on our behalf.

Developing a kingdom mindset involves renewing the mind by washing it with the water of the word. The word must be allowed to challenge natural thinking. At the same time what we choose to believe needs accurate Biblical support to produce the fruit of faith that comes from hearing it. Biblical faith sees God responding invisibly, well before the visible manifests. Biblical faith is not about what we can see, it is about believing what we can’t see. Natural vision can fail you, but spiritual vision unlocks opportunity and possibility. Under natural thinking it is much easier to see how far from the mark we are than it is to see how righteous He has made us. It takes faith to see ourselves as righteous in the way Scripture declares us to be in Christ.
Ideological opinions and pleasant sounding phrases may sound good. They can even sometimes be useful to alleviate disappointment in an uncomfortable moment. But that doesn’t make them solid Biblical faith builders. We need to know what God says about Himself, His character and His heart towards us. Once we know His heart, we know His willingness and we already know He is able. Such knowledge unlocks faith.

There’s all kinds of advice available today now that social media has such a far reaching platform and multitudes think Google can supply the answer they are looking for. But the wisdom of giving serious consideration to what Scripture says will never be out done. So we should consider what it says in,

Romans 10:17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Something happens in us when we believe God is speaking clearly to us. There is a confidence of faith that comes when you know that you know that you know God has revealed the truth very clearly to you. You cannot help but feel strengthened and your resolve to act is bolstered. It provides us with clear direction.

That is why we need to do more than just casually read the Scriptures. We need to chew on the things God has spoken to us directly with regard to Jesus and what He accomplished and how that is intended to affect our lives. In many places God reveals His motives for declaring a promise and what He did to make certain it was established. He communicates this for us to have faith and be able trust Him.

So, should it be thought of as being selfish or weird to consider how we might be benefitted and blessed by god in this life?

Some things people accept are contradictions when you really think about it. I have heard people say that it was God’s will that they were sick. They will say if it were His will that they be whole they would be whole. There is a lot of misunderstanding in that kind of statement. The same people who say that go to the doctor and take medicine to get well. If it were God’s will someone is sick would be a direct violation of His will to seek to get well? Many needlessly suffer due to a lack of understanding how the kingdom of God operates. Even in the natural people are prone to think that broken things should be fixed. Even unsaved people care about the health of other people and seek to do something about it. With regard to heavenly intervention it can help to know that God does not arbitrarily impose His will in our lives, He patiently waits for us to capture His heart for us. It’s not enough to just know about His ability to do things. We need to also know about His willingness to do so, especially in our own personal situation. He loves you very personally and is for you very personally. We do not think it strange if someone seeks to help a person they know who is sick to get better. Why should it be strange to imagine that God as a father would have such a desire for His children?

I praise God for doctors and medical professionals because they are doing God’s will in this earth whether they realize it or not. God’s will was and is for His creation to be healthy and whole. So I am not against doctors and medical professionals seeking the well being of others. When a child gets sick they don’t ask for the doctor, they ask for the person they are in closest relationship with, Mommy or Daddy. Mommy and Daddy will do all they know to do to get that child well too on their own because in their heart of love their will is for their child to be well.

Should faith for supernatural healing from a loving heavenly father be considered strange by comparison?

This is why who we allow ourselves to listen to and take advice from matters tremendously. It is why being in the word of God chewing on important passages as they pertain to our life and situations is even more important for us.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.


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