He Sets A Table


Years ago when learning to grill my son in law picked out some ground meat from the store for hamburgers and very lovingly cooked for the family.  Several who ate that day got food poisoning due to some of the meat being bad.  My son in law was well intentioned but he lacked experience.  He felt bad when that happened too.

It took a while for some to desire a hamburger off the grill after that.  It was a nice table that had been set for everyone but the memory that lives on is not one of having had a great meal.  Hahahaha.  We have had great meals off his grill since then, but it took time for that to happen.

Now unlike the table my son in law set that day, the table Jesus sets for us is always set with good things, you will never get food poisoning at the table Jesus sets.  There are no bad or evil things at His table.  Jesus really knows what he is doing.

Jesus does however set a table for us in the presence of our enemies.  He wants our enemies to watch as He faithfully cares for us and provides us with good things.  It is like rubbing salt in the their wounds reminding them of Christ victory over them.  This was prophecy spoken about Jesus in the Psalms.

Psalms 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.

Because we are in Christ this is also true of us.  Jesus is still doing this through us so that it is never forgotten that He is favored by the Father and has passed that favor on to us.  When we get this by revelation of the Holy Spirit we begin to walk in an awareness of His willingness to give us good things.  Things like healing and provision.  When our faith in Him and His willingness is awakened it peels back the veil that was trying to hide the fact that heaven is opened to us and the goodness of God is ours for the receiving.

His righteousness in us is the key to everything in the kingdom!  It is the reason we have favor with Him it has nothing to do with what we did to earn such favor from God.  Jesus already earned it and has given that favor to us that is why it is by grace.

So come boldly to the table that has been set for you and let His enemies be tormented as they watch you dine in His favor while they fruitlessly claim you are unworthy.  Sit, eat, smile and enjoy the abundance of favor Jesus has provided you.  Let it be put to good use by learning to rejoice in the truth of His abundant love and grace.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.


Seeing The Father


Loving Instruction