Good News That Actually Is

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God’s Kindness

2Corinthians 4:6 For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.

Notice how it speaks of the excellence of the power!  Wouldn’t you agree that statement has a great ring to it?  God has not done away with our humanity.  He has left our humanity intact, letting us live on this earth as His vessels carrying a great treasure.  Why has He done such a thing?  So that the excellency of the power may be of God, not of us!

It is His light, presence, and glory that is attractive!  He is not polishing us up so that men are drawn to us; He wants us to display the work of His mighty power so that others are drawn to Him!  Granted, this is not accomplished by being undisciplined and immoral as human beings.  The grace of God teaches us to deny ungodliness, which means grace when it comes leads us into a place of being submitted to God and yielded to the Holy Spirit.  But He has left our humanity intact so much that others can see and know that the excellence of the power is of God, not of us.

If I were to take fifty pounds of gold and place it in a large secure box so that it could be kept, and someone heard I had a box with fifty pounds of gold, they would not desire the box because of its own great worth.  They would only want the box because of what is in it.

There is such a thing as “the law of attraction.” Let me explain what I mean by that.

If the only way for a young woman to get a particular guy is based on her figure, due to his dominant preference, she must find a way to maintain her figure to keep him.  Good luck with that.  If a young man has to be buff and have lots of hair to attract a particular woman due to her dominant preference. Well, I lost out on that one a long time ago.

If, for instance, the people a church wishes to attract require events with bells and whistles and all the latest theatrics, you’d better be able to keep up with the newest technology and keep up the pace of it to keep those who were attracted by it.  You’d better be able to do it on a larger scale than others.

Isaiah 53 tells us that Jesus was nothing to look at; in other words, He wasn’t handsome.  The glory of God manifested in the way He went about His business each day, and the message He spoke made Him attractive.  Jesus allowed the Father to draw all men to Him.  Jesus relied on the excellency of the power.

If the only way to attract people is to do with you or what you do, you must be sure it can be maintained perpetually if you intend to keep them.  You risk becoming a slave to whatever it was you believed is required not only to attract but to keep.

This is why it is so vital that the church attracts based on the presence of God and the integrity of the gospel that they believe in and live in.  Granted, a person walking in the Spirit will not be mean and spiteful, always finding ways to offend everyone in meaningless and malicious ways.  Someone manifesting the work of grace is attractive because of the presence of God in and with them.  They are joyful and peaceful and have a certain confidence they exhibit that can be attractive.  But it is the presence of God that is attractive. That is why the Scriptures say to be ready to give every man a reason for the hope that lies within you.  God set it up this way so that the glory is His as people witness His kindness towards us in Christ!  Let the Holy Spirit fill you with the hope only He can produce in you through the revelation of Jesus. Be encouraged and walk in the grace and peace that is yours in Christ Jesus.  When we walk confidently in our relationship with Jesus, allowing the Holy Spirit to have His way in and through us, it puts the excellence of the power of God on display.  I encourage you to enjoy Him and show off His kindness today!

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