Getting There

Often, when we set out to travel to a place, we do not think of whether or not we will arrive there.  We pretty much expect to be there at a certain time.  Getting to where we are going has become routine for us.

There are some, however, who do not travel as well.  They are not assured they will arrive at their destination because they are not convinced the arrival is guaranteed.  They are overwhelmed by thinking of the many ways the trip could end in disaster.  They have hindrances in their travel before they even leave to go on the trip.

But when God sends us somewhere, it is not meant to be considered subject to Muprhy’s law or chance and circumstance.

The children of Israel had been freed from their 400 years of bondage to Egypt, and Moses was taking them to the land God had promised.   There was only one problem: a sea stood between them and their destination, and they had no boats to cross, no planes to fly over, and there were well over a million of them to navigate to the destination.  Additionally, Pharoah’s army was fast approaching to recapture and bring them back to Egypt.

It’s what is called in travel a crappy circumstance.  They were between a rock and a hard place.  But Moses knew what God had told him to do and where God had told him to go.  So, as Moses inquired of the Lord, God spoke to him and told him to tell the people to go forward into the sea and to hold out his staff over the sea.

We all know the story, I am sure.  As Moses held out his staff, a mighty wind began to blow, and the sea parted, and the people crossed on dry ground.  In the meantime, God held back Pharoah’s army with a pillar of fire to allow the people to cross over unharmed.  Then, just at the right time, God removed the pillar of fire to time it in such a way as to trap the army in the middle of the sea so He could collapse it on them and forever remove the threat of Israel being taken back into captivity by them.

Where God wanted them to go, He ensured they could get there as long as they trusted Him and followed His lead.

When we choose not to trust, we take the reins, so to speak, away from God and take matters into our hands, and when we do, we should not be surprised at the consequences of our limited, finite wisdom.

When God sets the course for your life, and you follow Him in faith and trust, I promise you will get to where He is taking you.  Some obstacles may be encountered along the way, but He will move in His power to take care of them if you keep moving forward in faith according to His word.  I promise you will get there!  Trust Him each and every day and rest in His promises that are yes and amen in Christ Jesus.  The journey may look a bit iffy in the natural at the moment, but I can assure you God’s got this.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.

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