Favor Applied


When we think of the favor of God that is ours now through Christ we should think of it in terms of how it brings us near to God and gives us ready access.

The grace we have received is meant to make that a reality 24/7 in our lives.

Now what grace is not guaranteed to do is shield us from any every situation life may throw our way.  Being in the favor of God does not mean everything will go well 100% of the time so that we are never inconvenienced in any way.

In fact, Jesus promised that in this world we would have trials and tribulations.  But thankfully He added that we should be of good cheer because He had overcome the world.

We will experience some rough patches in our journey of life, times when we are persecuted, misunderstood, inconvenienced in some ay or another, touched by the effects sin has had on this world and systems.  But this does not take us out of favor with God or establish His favor is not at work in our lives.

It is in such times that the favor we’ve been given is powerfully activated because it allows us to run to Him freely to find mercy to help us in our time of need.

You see for the Bible to say we will have times of need should immediately let us know that favor is not about eliminating any and all situations that would potentially put us in place of need.

So long as we draw breath our faith will continually be needed and activated with regard to what it means to turn to our Father for mercy to help.  Our faith will be activated in the area of our relationship to Him as well in the area of giving Him praise, and thanking Him for His faithfulness and goodness.

You are loved today and always with an everlasting love that will never fade.  The throne of grace is open to you 24/7 365 days a year and 366 on a leap year.  He will not turn His face away from you because the Son of His amazing love lives within you.  You have favor today and always and despite whatever difficult thing you might be going through right now.  I encourage you to receive His love and take advantage of His favor in your life today.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.


Savor Your Tremendous Favor


Of His Fullness