What Does God Say?


Luke 1:79 To give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.”

When Jesus appeared on the scene the people were getting to hear God speak.  Jesus declared He only did what He saw the Father doing and only spoke what He heard the Father speaking.

In other words, the people of that day were privileged to hear what God had to say to them about their moment, about their life as it was happening and about the plans He had for them if only they would believe and receive by faith what was being spoken.

God speaks to His children in real time.  Whenever He speaks and a child listens it is as if they can see.  Without the guidance of God through the work of the Holy Spirit we sit as it were in darkness.  We do not know what to do or which way to go.  We are left to our own devices, our own understanding and we have already been advised in Scripture by God not to lean in that direction.

The believer must always face what the view of public opinion has to say about them.  What their peers say about them.   What others say about them.  They will always have to face what they themselves wrestle over in the secret corridors of their own soul about themselves.  They carry their own opinion of themselves.  But what does God say?

There’s only one opinion that truly matters and brings a person out the darkness and into the light.  That opinion is God’s.  This is why it is so important to hear what God has to say.

Maybe you recently heard something a doctor had to say, but what does God have to say?

Maybe you heard what the financial prognosticators and economic advisers of our day have to say, but what does God have to say?

Maybe you have recently heard what society thinks about the culture of Christianity of which you are part, but what does God have to say?

Maybe during a recent time of tension in a relationship someone said things about you in anger that stung and hurt you, but what does God say?

In troubled times, in good times, at all times it is the privilege of the child of God to hear God and find peace, receive wisdom, and be comforted with a solid sense of knowing what to do in any situation.

This privilege outweighs the privilege the Jewish priests thought they possessed after Jesus had come and completed His work at the cross.  The writer to the scattered Hebrews said,

Hebrews 13:10 We have an altar from which those who serve the tabernacle have no right to eat.

Quiet your soul, tell it to hush and to listen.  Listen for the voice of your Father and never feel you cannot bring anything to Him in search of His wisdom on it.  He is, after all, your Father and He loves you very much.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.


The Upward Call of God


Don’t Go Backwards