
I was reminded recently of how a vehicle can sometimes act erratic and it seems like a dire situation when in fact it is something simple.

I had a car that whenever the battery terminals got a little corroded it would run like it needed a major repair. The engine ran rough, lacked power, and the power windows would often act up as well.

But the cause was the connection to the battery wasn’t working like it should! A good connection would always fix the problem.

You know, Jesus came to fix our connection with God the Father. That is what being saved really is about. Jesus came to reconnect us because when Adam sinned mankind’s connection to God was broken.

My car couldn’t fix itself. The car needs a good powerful battery but even if it has one it needs to be connected to that battery to function. My car needed me to make a good connection to the source of power for it. The same is true of us. We were disconnected and couldn’t fix ourselves we needed Jesus to do it.

Jesus didn’t come to make us able to keep the law so we could be good enough to get God to like us. Jesus came to reconnect us to God in real relationship. Jesus came to reconcile man to God. He did not come to connect us more deeply to the law, the law doesn’t care about us, it only cares about right and wrong behavior and justice being applied to it.

Jesus came to give us life with God by making us right with God by grace through faith! The just shall live by faith! You are right with God not because of anything you have done but only because you put your faith in what Jesus did. Now your relationship with the Father is connected at all times not based on your behavior but based on Jesus’ obedience. This is where our power to live comes from! God loves you and has made a way for you to belong to Him and have fellowship with Him! I encourage you to live your life connected today knowing that Jesus did everything needed for you to experience it.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.

Never Separated


We Need Power