Good News That Actually Is

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Changed By An Encounter

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Welcome to this new day that brings with it new opportunities! It’s Thursday and I am so glad to have this time with you to encourage your joy!

Have you ever considered what happened to Isaiah the prophet when he genuinely had a heavenly encounter with God?

When we are introduced to Isaiah we are shown a prophet who is very adept at shaming those who are in rebellion and not living right with God. It is not like Isaiah isn’t speaking the truth because he is. His words are accurate but something happens when Isaiah sees the Lord high and lifted up.

Isaiah for the first time in his writing says, “Woe is me” All of a sudden Isaiah sees himself in a new light. A light that seemed to be easy for him to shine on others but was unaware of as it pertained to himself for a time. I have discovered that true encounters with Jesus does not produce in me a woe is you mentality so much as it produces a if someone like me can be loved by Him I know you can be.

God encounters make us keenly aware of God to such a depth that it exposes our own great need for Jesus and it strips away any sense of spiritual superiority we thought we might have possessed before. It equals the playing field so to speak. It has the power to lovingly set us straight to such a degree we identify with others as opposed to judging them.

Believe it or not a God encounter is what activates the love of Christ for others in us. So I encourage you to have as many God encounters you can but be discerning and know that authentic encounters do not produce spiritual critics, they produce Christ like disciples of Jesus who know they are sons of God and can share His love with others freely. So I encourage you to go and show His love to someone today!