Can Anything Compare?


In a recent morning text conversation with my grandson regarding the special privilege we have to be able to freely fellowship with Jesus, the Holy Spirit spoke to me.

To get across the point to him about how special it is to get to daily converse with the Lord and receive from Him I used some things I knew he could connect with.

Our exchange began with me saying to him:  “Good morning buddy!  Have you said good morning to Jesus, the Father and Holy Spirit?  Have you had any conversation with them today?  Have you set your mind on things above?”

He responded: “I was just about to do that.”

Then I made the following observations to him.  I said, “It’s a great privilege to get to do that.  It’s the greatest privilege there is.  It’s more special than anything else in this world!”

He responded: “For sure!”  Oh how I love that boy!

I went on to say to him:  “I’ve been spending time this morning  meditating on things He spoke to me, and I am loving it.

Nothing can make me more excited than having Him reveal things to me.  Not even a TN National Championship could make me more excited.  Not even a brand new fancy motorcycle could make me more excited.  Not even a long awaited and desired special Christmas present could make me more excited.

There’s nothing like the privilege of knowing Jesus and hearing Him speak to you! But if we do not take advantage of that special privilege do we really believe it is all that special?”

To all this he was declaring agreement and to my question he responded, “no.”  Right answer grandson!

You and I have been invited to the greatest privilege there could ever be.  But if we fail to recognize it for what it is we will also fail to take real advantage of it.

It’s a privilege, not a duty.  It’s a get to do it, not a have to do it.  It’s a man this is special moment, not a man I better or else moment.  Jesus will not make us spend time with Him.  He is not desperate for us to do it, but He is eager for us to do so because of His great love for us.  The privilege is ours to get to do it.

I hope that today and everyday you will take full advantage of this great privilege in your life.  I sincerely hope you can see the get to of this, as opposed to the have to.

What an awesome special privilege it is to be invited to always be in close fellowship with the Almighty and know Him as Father!

Thank You Jesus for such a great gift!  Thank You for going to the cross and making this my reality.  Thank You for inviting me to fellowship with You every day.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.

How You Can Know


Just The Same