Be Thankful

Today, where I live, 9 inches of snow are on the ground, and the morning temperature is 4.7 degrees Fahrenheit.  Brrrr, that’s cold.  This may not seem like much to my friends way up north, but it is way below average for where I live.  Here, you run the risk of pipes freezing and power going out.

But I give thanks to God that through this time of below-average temperatures and an unusual snowfall, my wife and I are safe and warm in our home, enjoying running water, both hot and cold, working appliances, and gas heat.

I thank God for food in the kitchen, reliable vehicles parked outside, clean clothes to put on that will keep us warm, and little birds in a cage that sing and make merry on gray, cold days.

I am thankful that I share all this with a lovely, faithful wife who loves Jesus.  Being thankful is something that requires being intentional.  To verbalize one’s gratitude is a good daily practice.

The thing I am most grateful for today is that I awakened to His new mercies and was aware that this is the day He has made, and I get to choose to be glad and rejoice in it.  His new mercy affords me that grace!

This idea of practicing thanksgiving is promoted in Scripture.

Ephesians 5:20 giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

1 Thessalonians 5:18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

With the right view, it is possible to be grateful under all kinds of circumstances.  With practice, it, like anything else, becomes easier to do.

I do not desire to be known as a man who complains and always finds something wrong with everything.  I desire to be known as someone who is grateful and appreciates even the smallest things in life.

I have found that most people can enjoy and appreciate a grateful person far more easily than they can one who is always complaining.  I have discovered in Scripture that even God appreciates and delights in those who are grateful and appreciative of all He does to supply our every need in Christ Jesus.  Actively giving Him thanks for everything, both small and great, in our lives is an act of humility because it recognizes that even the physical and mental ability to make a living comes from Him.

I find giving thanks to be a healthy exercise, and the more I participate in it, the more fun it becomes.  It is good for my soul.  I encourage you to intentionally give thanks for even the smallest things in your life today and experience the warmth of knowing how much Jesus cares for you.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.



The Waste Of Worry