Adam or Jesus

I was born in 1963 on a spring day to my father and mother, Tom and Janice Atchley. I was given birth at the Baptist Hospital on the bank of the Tennessee River in Knoxville, Tennessee.  How do I know this? First, I was told, and later, I was given my birth certificate.

I grew up knowing I was an Atchley. It was part of my inheritance to be an Atchley. There were certain things expected of an Atchley based on the family history. Specific attitudes and motivations that were characteristic of being an Atchley.

If I had a grade in school that fell behind my capability, I would be told, “You’re an Atchley, and we do not settle for this kind of grade.” This pushed me to be an honor student in my early grades. Growing up in those early years, there were five of us, known as Tom Atchley’s boys.

Others identified us, according to our father. We carried his DNA.

Were you aware that there is spiritual DNA that is far more powerful and authoritative than that of our earthly DNA?

Every human being born after Adam has Adam’s DNA.  That DNA is the DNA of sin.

Romans 5:12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because all sinned.

This describes the effect of DNA. Jesus was the only human being born of a woman without the sin DNA. Every other person born throughout all of history was born with the same DNA. It is called the sin nature. No baby has ever had to be taught to pitch a fit to get their way, to be selfish, to act out, to lie as they get older to protect their interests, or to be mean towards other kids or even their parents. It is natural, and as a result, parents seek to teach them to behave differently and reject those temptations. There’s no denying the fact that it is Adam’s nature at work.

God sees humanity according to their true nature.  He is not looking at them as much based on their behavior as He is their nature.  The behavior is merely proof of what nature they are walking in. God is interested in whose nature a person has.

When someone becomes born again through faith in Jesus, they become a new creation! They experience a DNA change. Their sinful nature is put to death; it is buried with Jesus in His death, but then they are raised in new life with Jesus just as He was raised from the dead.  They become known by God as having the DNA of Jesus. God is looking for the new nature in Christ to know those who are truly His. He knows this very accurately, too. Devoted religious practices meant to earn His attention and acceptance cannot fool him. Just as my brothers and I were known as Tom Atchley’s boys, the true children of God are known as followers of Jesus.

Roamsn 5:17 For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.)

Those with Jesus’ DNA reign in life. They are not victims. They aren’t dead men walking. They’re alive with the vibrance of life that only Jesus can give. They have a passion and zeal for life according to the will of God as their Father. They are made confident when they know who they are and Whose they are.

The question at the judgment will not be about the sins committed.  It will be about the DNA one possesses.  God is looking for His DNA! His DNA is not sin-natured. It is not the DNA of death and destruction. It is the DNA of life and victory! Who’s DNA are you identified with? Adam or Jesus?

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.

Supernatural DNA

