Good News That Actually Is

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2Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

I would not be in error if I said that a primary fruit of Christianity is generosity instead of holding back out of fear of loss or limitation.

As believers in Christ, we have more than enough grace to do whatever He might ask of us.  God will see to it that we have whatever we need to participate in His good work in any situation.

When the Holy Spirit stirs us to get involved, it is not based on what we have in the natural at our disposal at that moment.  It is always based on the generosity of His grace at work in us and His willingness to meet us in the thing He has stirred us to participate in.

Where others or even ourselves may see lack, He sees abundance.

When it comes to the will of God, it is never subject to our natural abilities and circumstances.  It is subject to His supply, resource, and ability to enable, empower and provide.

The question is not, can I but rather, can He?

We should never subject His will for us to our understanding of our abilities and resources as that will interfere with our walking in faith based on Him as opposed to ourselves.

When the Holy Spirit reveals the will of God for our moment, we should not ask what we have to bring to it; we should have faith and trust Him to provide what we need to bring to it.

Where He guides, He will also provide.

Our God is really good at raising up unlikely candidates to do great things and accomplish His purposes.  You and I are not exceptions to this.  He is no respecter of persons. He is simply looking for who is available to Him and open to knowing His will with a desire to see it accomplished.

Those who seek to do God’s will are attracted to those who do His will and have discernment regarding the teaching different ones claiming to be for God has to offer.

John 7:16 So Jesus told them, “My message is not my own; it comes from God who sent me. 17 Anyone who wants to do the will of God will know whether my teaching is from God or is merely my own.

The teaching of Jesus was distinguishable based on how in step with the will of God it was.  It was not a teaching that deviated from God’s will but clarified it.  That is why anyone desiring to do God’s will was drawn to His teaching and knew it was of God.

If you’ve been born again and baptized with the Holy Spirit, you have been given the desire to know and do God’s will.  You have received heavenly equipping to be and to do according to what He says concerning you.  I encourage you not to look at yourself in the mirror according to what you see naturally.  Instead, see yourself as being capable in the way God is declaring you to be based on His will being revealed to you.  he is making all grace abound towards you!  You have what you need and what it takes because Christ is in you, and the Holy Spirit is filling you with His power.  Go and abound in Him!

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