Tim Atchley Tim Atchley

No Limitations

Take a journey of discovery to see just how much you are capable of. You are far more capable than you might think you are.


Good Morning, I pray that you will be blessed in Christ and experience victory today and every day. You are not ordinary because you have been born from above. You are His child and that means you are more than an overcomer through Jesus!

You need the Holy Spirit to be able to live by the Spirit. It is the essence of real relationship with God. True faith has heard from the Holy Spirit and believes, despite whether or not it can be seen in the natural. It produces supernatural power to be and do based on what God says. Just like it says in,

Romans 10:17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Word - Rhema; an utterance. Rhema is when you perceive God is speaking to you. It is not merely reading the logos which means a written word recording what God spoke. Rhema is not about reading comprehension. The idea is that whether you read it to yourself or hear it spoken in some other way you received it as God speaking to you personally. That is when His word is Rhema that produces faith. It is more than just agreement with the truth because you cannot deny it. It is way more personal than that. It is His word spoken and applied to you personally that makes it Rhema. So what kind of faith does this kind of hearing produce?

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Substance - in the Greek means a setting under (support), i.e. (figuratively) concretely, essence, or abstractly, assurance (objectively or subjectively): — confidence, confident, person, substance.

According to Scripture faith is when you are absolutely convinced of something because you are confident God spoke it to you personally. Therefore you believe it whether you see physical evidence of it in the now or not. It is not dependent upon a change of circumstance to be active. This kind of faith has substance and produces a sure hope that cannot be shaken. It is the kind of faith that produces action and direction.

Faith is not strong desire. Many times strong desire is mistaken for faith, but it is not faith. It is so similar to faith, many fail to discern it. Strong desire mimics being full of hope, but it is a generic kind of hope, more like a wish upon a star kind of hope. It is the kind of hope that goes away if the thing hoped for is not manifested quickly in the natural, therefore it is easily discouraged and discarded. Strong desire can subtly lead to manipulating others to satisfy it. Strong desire is subject to circumstances. A lack of natural evidence can end it. It’s not grounded in a personal word from God that is confidently believed. Abraham had something more than just a strong desire, he had a real faith that kept him on journey with God despite any lack of natural evidence. He knew what he had heard from God and he was convinced and it shaped his life.

Hebrews 11:8 By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. 9 By faith he dwelt in the land of promise as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise; 10 for he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

It was faith in what God said that enabled Noah to spend a 100 years building an ark to save his household while preaching to his generation despite no evidence of water and ridicule and rejection from others.

Hebrews 11:7 By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his household, by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith.

When you know by faith who He says you are, and what you can do, you manifest it. In Christ, you are set free from being limited by your natural weaknesses or abilities just as Jesus said, all things are possible to him who believes! Your natural attributes do not determine how He can use you. God using you is always based on how the Holy Spirit wishes to flow in and through you. The Holy Spirit is a gift to us by faith and He empowers willing vessels. By faith you can be, have and do anything God says! There are, No Limitations!

Always remember that you are loved with an everlasting love by a faithful God who cannot lie and you have everything you need in Christ. Go and enjoy the adventure that is yours when you live submitted to the Holy Spirit each day!

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Tim Atchley Tim Atchley

The Faith Of Abram

In this episode you will encouraged by what it means to walk in faith with God. This encouragement comes from a man in the Bible who is known as the Father of Faith. It will offer very practical faith encouragement that can empower you in your journey with God.


Good Morning, I pray that you will be blessed in Christ and experience victory today and every day. You are not ordinary because you have been born from above. You are His child and that means you are more than an overcomer through Jesus!

I’ve been thinking lately about the faith of Abram in the Bible. Whenever I am meditating on something in Scripture I ask the Holy Spirit to please reveal to me what it is He knows I need to see. He is always faithful to bring something to my attention that I can actually apply to my moment in time. He wants me to be blessed and benefitted by the revelation He gives me.

This particular time He reminded of how Abram left his homeland and kin behind without having a clue as to where it was he was going. He did not have any specifics other than leave your home and your kin and go to the place I will lead you.

Amazingly Abram did it. He struck out not knowing anything except that he was looking for a city whose builder and maker was God. Abram did not go out due to a business plan for making more money or for any type of increase in his natural state of life. He struck out because he had an encounter with God and decided to obey whatever he heard from Him.

As Abram went on this faith journey with God he began to increase in his possessions. As Abram allowed God to lead him he was greatly blessed and benefitted. Abram increased.

In fact, Abram wound up being a very wealthy man with herds and servants. Abram did not set out with becoming wealthy as a motivation, he simply set out in obedience to God. His goal was to find a city who’s builder and maker was God. Had Abram been born during the New Covenant era his actions would be consistent with seeking the kingdom first as opposed to being identified as seeking a city whose builder and maker was God.

At one point during his journey Abram’s nephew Lot and all the other people where Lot lived were taken captive during an attack. Abram went out with his servants and fought against three kings and won and rescued his nephew Lot and all the people along with all the goods that were taken in the spoils by the enemy. The king who had been taken captive offered to give the spoils to Abram but Abram refused and said that only his men who fought should receive enough to cover what they gave up to join him in the fight. To me this is even further proof that Abram was not money minded as a man following God.

After this great victory he was visited by the king of Salem who also is called a priest of righteousness named Melchizedek. Melchizedek blessed Abram. So what does Abram do?

Abram gives him a tenth part of all that he had. In other words, Abram gave Melchizedek a tenth of the total of all his assets.

There is no mention of a tithe of any kind in Scripture up to this point. The law would not come until 430 years after Abram. So where does Abram get this idea from? Abram is moved by the blessing he receives from this King of peace and priest of righteousness and he has a desire to give as a result. Abram is moved to give a tenth of his own accord.

Now at that time a tenth of Abram’s assets would have been a lot. You see in our modern terms Abram would have been a multimillionaire. This act on Abram’s part further serves as proof that wealth was not his goal and that it did not have any hold on his heart. Abram was able to freely give a tenth of all he was worth in the natural to the King of Salem without even second guessing it. Not only that but Abram gave it without asking if the King of Salem could be trusted with it, or insisting that Abram have a say in how the King would use it.

Generosity and willingness to give to God, without any strings attached, in thankfulness and gratitude for His blessing is a trademark of believers who walk in true faith and trust in God.

God does not need my money so He doesn’t move me to give it out of any type of need for Himself. He moves me to give it as though I am giving it to Him for my sake. He doesn’t want a love of money to ever take up root in my heart. To help me stay free from the love of it in my own life He moves me by the Holy Spirit to give. He does it to help me keep my focus where it needs to be, on Him and on His kingdom.

I will always be cared for as I seek to put His kingdom first just as Abram was cared for as he sought for a city whose builder and maker was God.

This motivates me to give according to the leading of the Holy Spirit every Lord’s day. If I am not sure of a specific amount I am being moved to give I will generally give a tenth of whatever the gross is of earnings. I give this gift of thanks to the fellowship I am in community with and where I serve others and am blessed by their serving me with their gifts. I give because I love God and am grateful for His blessings. I never want money to be the thing in this life that I am living for and making decisions based on. I want to live in the freedom that is mine in Christ and this is one area that is very important because Jesus said,

Luke 16:11 Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?

I encourage you to put your trust in your Father today by living free of any temptation to let money dictate to you in any way. You don’t have to have a lot to be affected by the love it. Even people without it can be in love with it and be over occupied with how to get more of it instead of putting their trust in the Lord and expecting the Holy Spirit to give them advice and counsel that will lead them in their lives.

Always remember that you are loved with an everlasting love by a faithful God who cannot lie and you have everything you need in Christ. Go and enjoy the adventure that is yours when you live submitted to the Holy Spirit today and every day!

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Tim Atchley Tim Atchley

Supernatural Seed

Do you know what power is at work in you? Find out how you were created to win no matter what.


The podcast for this is available on all the major platforms for listening pleasure on the go. Just search Good News That Actually Is

Christ was put into you as a seed! Seeds are meant to go into earth where they grow into what their original DNA designed them to be.

When you surrendered to Christ supernatural seed was planted deep in you. Listen to what Isaiah prophesied.

Isaiah 61:11 For as the earth brings forth its bud, as the garden causes the things that are sown in it to spring forth, so the Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations.

Now consider what it says in, 2Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.

Seed must be watered regularly. This is why Christ is in you desires to wash you with the water of His word. (Colossians 3:16)

A neglect of letting the word dwell in you richly diminishes your ability to capitalize on what the seed provides and can supernaturally manifest in your life. When you live according to the natural as opposed to the supernatural it results in hiding the glory instead of manifesting it. Remember what it says in,

2Corinthians 1:20 For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.

Remember, you are a partaker of His divine nature by partaking of the exceedingly great and precious promises.

If you are not letting the water of His word saturate your heart and soul, when a crisis comes, you will not be able to draw on that divine nature according to what God has promised you. Your faith doesn’t show up or increase because of a crisis. Your faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the word of God. This is why you need to hear the preaching of the word and need to speak the word to yourself. You can water the seed within you that contains the very glory of God! That supernatural seed which is Christ in you!

This is what makes you more than an overcomer through Him! You are called to live according to His divine power that is at work within you. You have this supernatural treasure in your earthen vessel! Christ in you the hope of glory! Christ is in you!

Supernatural seed has been planted in your heart and it wishes to spring forth in abundance and bring harvest.

Water that seed with His word of promise and know you are not normal, you are a supernatural being, a new creation in Christ, you abide in Him and He abides in you.

Go forth and conquer today according to the supernatural power at work in you. Christ is in you!

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Tim Atchley Tim Atchley

New Wine Skins

Learn what Jesus was really talking about when He dealt with the subject of wineskins.


The podcast for this is available on all the major platforms for listening pleasure on the go. Just search Good News That Actually Is

2022 Season One - Episode Two - New Wineskins

Jesus spoke of wineskins, and today many make what Jesus said to be about change they wish to bring about.

They say there’s a need for new wineskins in the sense that they wish to reorder and bring change to whatever is not working the way they desire.

They want to start something new instead. There can be merit to that at times. But think about this: it’s possible to use Scripture subjectively but doing so runs a risk of distracting from the original intent. The actual purpose of the truth can get lost in diluted versions of use for other reasons, no matter how valid those reasons may seem.

Using Jesus’ teaching on new wineskins to reinforce the idea that change is good is not sinful or bad, but it can and often does distract from the glorious nature of what Jesus was actually saying.

Jesus was not offering a formula for bringing change to things in our personal, business or other aspects of our natural lives simply for the sake of progress. He was unveiling a glorious reality that He was about put into effect at His death, resurrection and ascension. Christ is in you!

Luke 5:37 And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined. 38 But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved.

Luke is using New Covenant language and New Covenant language comes with a glory unparalleled and unmatched by the Old Covenant. To misapply the intent of the truth spoken is to miss out on the glory and supernatural intent of that truth. The glory of God is fully invested in the New Covenant kingdom of Christ!

Jesus came preaching the gospel of the kingdom. In other words, Jesus went about preaching the good news of the kingdom of God in the New Covenant that was soon to be established. He was establishing what to expect from a kingdom where Jesus Himself would be Lord and supernaturally share His righteousness with those who are a part of it. He would supernaturally share all of who He is with you. Christ is in you!

Now, in the teaching on wineskins, more often than not, what Jesus said before He used the example of wineskins is largely ignored but just as important, if not more, to understanding what His intention was when it comes to Old Covenant as opposed to New Covenant.

Luke 5:36 Then He spoke a parable to them: “No one puts a piece from a new garment on an old one; otherwise the new makes a tear, and also the piece that was taken out of the new does not match the old.

Jesus said, “no one puts a new piece of cloth on an old garment otherwise the old garment will be torn where the new was attached.” He further demonstrates practically here that a new piece of cloth doesn’t match the old garment. This is akin to what we read in, Hebrews 8:13 In that He says, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.

So you see my friends, when Jesus spoke about wineskins being new and it being necessary for them being new He is speaking about the New Covenant. What is coming in the glory of God according to His divine nature coming to us, through Jesus Christ in the way of the person of the Holy Spirit, is too glorious to be contained in an Old Covenant wineskin. It would burst because it was not made to handle such glory.

God intended to do it that way with purpose and when the fullness of time had come, Jesus came to earth and did all He needed to do to make it possible to put into force the New Covenant according to His blood.

Now we, as partakers in that covenant, citizens of His kingdom, are partakers of the Divine Nature.

We are recipients of the Glorious person of the Holy Spirit. We are new wine skins with new wine. We get to live according to the new wine.

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Tim Atchley Tim Atchley

Christ Is IN You

Discover the power that is at work in you to help you win in every situation.


The podcast for this is available on all the major platforms for listening pleasure on the go. Just search Good News That Actually Is

2022 Season One - Episode One - Christ Is IN You!

Did you know that you will never become or do anything that you are not convinced you can be or do?

2Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, 3 as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, 4 by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

What has His divine power given you? All things that pertain to life and godliness! Notice it is not a natural power, it is a supernatural power a divine power.

No matter what you face in this life God has given you His divine power to overcome it! Think about that all things that pertain to life. That means everything! You have at your disposal His supernatural power to help you do life! You have that same power enabling you to be godly! To be like Him!

Too often we look at ourselves from the natural perspective and that is very limiting. That is exactly what the enemy was after when He deceived Eve in the garden. He promised that their eyes would opened and they would see the truth. But he lied, he left out the real affect. Their eyes were opened, but to the natural and they saw themselves naked as opposed to being clothed with the glory of God as before.

Peter spoke of how His divine power has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness, and how God’s desire is that we be partakers of His divine nature. But for these things to spring forth in manifestation, there must be knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.

You were not naturally called, you were supernaturally called by a supernatural God!

To maximize what this can produce in your life, you must be increasing in your knowledge of Jesus according to the supernatural as opposed to the natural!

It is through the supernatural Jesus that you will realize all that God has for you, because through Him you’ve been given exceedingly great and precious supernatural promises. It is through those supernatural promises that you partake of the divine nature! Christ is in you!

This is the glory of God that is yours to partake of freely by increasing in your knowledge of Jesus. Increasing your knowledge of Jesus brings you before the amazing love of God for you which releases within you all His fulness! (Ephesians 3:19) That, my friends, is His glory!

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Tim Atchley Tim Atchley

Important Announcement

Important Announcement


It is time for a change!

Starting this week I will be makiing only one podcast a week going forward.

I will work extra hard to make sure that one podcast is a very special one indeed.

I hope you will continue to remain subscribed to receive content as it is my aim to be a blessing to you through these posts and podcasts I will be making available.

Thank you for being a subscriber!

If you are not a subscriber it is easy to become one just click the link above and follow the steps.

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Tim Atchley Tim Atchley

New Covenant Promise

There’s so many amazing and wonderful things about the New Covenant Jesus established with His own blood. I invite you to give a listen and make some marvelous discoveries.


There’s so many amazing and wonderful things about the New Covenant Jesus established with His own blood. I invite you to give a listen and make some marvelous discoveries.

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Tim Atchley Tim Atchley

Getting It Right Matters

There are some things that are so important they require getting them right. Give a listen and discover how important this is with a particular truth.


There are some things that are so important they require getting them right. Give a listen and discover how important this is with a particular truth.

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Tim Atchley Tim Atchley

Everything You Need

Some would like you to believe you’ve been short changed by God but listen and discover how God has graciously supplied everything you need.


Some would like you to believe you’ve been short changed by God but listen and discover how God has graciously supplied everything you need.

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Tim Atchley Tim Atchley

A Greater Glory

Because of Jesus there’s a Greater Glory that is ever increasing available. I invite you to give a quick listen to hear some encouraging news.


Because of Jesus there’s a Greater Glory that is ever increasing available. I invite you to give a quick listen to hear some encouraging news.

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Tim Atchley Tim Atchley

We Preach You Believe

Do you know what Gospel Paul the Apostle preached? Listen in and discover the New Covenant gospel and why it is so important.


Do you know what Gospel Paul the Apostle preached? Listen in and discover the New Covenant gospel and why it is so important.

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Tim Atchley Tim Atchley

Conformed To His Image

An equipping message on what it means to be conformed to the image of Christ. It’s not what you might think it is. I challenge you to give a listen and discover how simple this high calling really is.

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An equipping message on what it means to be conformed to the image of Christ. It’s not what you might think it is. I challenge you to give a listen and discover how simple this high calling really is.

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Tim Atchley Tim Atchley

Relating To The Father

What if being conformed to the image of Christ were more to do with how you relate to the Father than it does anything else? Listen in and discover what is really at the heart of being called to be conformed to His image.

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What if being conformed to the image of Christ were more to do with how you relate to the Father than it does anything else? Listen in and discover what is really at the heart of being called to be conformed to His image.

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Tim Atchley Tim Atchley

Your Best Intercessor

Did you know that you have someone praying for you even at times when you can’t pray for yourself? Listen in and discover the advantage you have been given in Christ.

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Did you know that you have someone praying for you even at times when you can’t pray for yourself? Listen in and discover the advantage you have been given in Christ.

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Tim Atchley Tim Atchley

Your High Calling

There’s something written in the Bible about your high calling you should consider. Do you know what your high calling is? Listen in and discover what God is up to in your life.

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There’s something written in the Bible about your high calling you should consider. Do you know what your high calling is? Listen in and discover what God is up to in your life.

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Tim Atchley Tim Atchley

Can You Imagine

Can you imagine expecting an old man to perform on the field of play the same as an elite athlete would? Think about that for a moment as you listen.


Can you imagine expecting an old man to perform on the field of play the same as an elite athlete would? Think about that for a moment as you listen.

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Tim Atchley Tim Atchley

Week Off

No podcast this week


No Good News That Actually Is podcast this week. We will return next week.

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Tim Atchley Tim Atchley

Opportunities Abound For The Humble

In Christ the opportunities are endless for anyone and everyone and the thing to be celebrated is not the kind of opportunity we have as much as it is the calling of God itself.  Learn how to rejoice and find joy in this simple truth.


In Christ the opportunities are endless for anyone and everyone and the thing to be celebrated is not the kind of opportunity we have as much as it is the calling of God itself. Learn how to rejoice and find joy in this simple truth.

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Tim Atchley Tim Atchley

He Called You

When God calls you it is not about what you will be doing that should be the reason to rejoice. It is the idea that such an amazing God and Father would call you for any reason and give you an opportunity to bring Him glory.


When God calls you it is not about what you will be doing that should be the reason to rejoice. It is the idea that such an amazing God and Father would call you for any reason and give you an opportunity to bring Him glory.

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Tim Atchley Tim Atchley

Set Up To Bear Fruit

In Christ you have been set up for good things that will bear fruit for His glory. You are created in Christ to be fruitful unto God.


In Christ you have been set up for good things that will bear fruit for His glory. You are created in Christ to be fruitful unto God.

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